Nov 23, 2016
NEW YORK (September 26, 2016) – Energy companies from 25 countries have been selected as Finalists for the Platts Global Energy Awards. The 2016 Finalists, chosen from over 170 nominees from 30 nominating countries, were announced today by program host S&P Global...
Sep 22, 2016
UCO TRADING present at the Biofuels International Conference celebrated in Ghent (Belgium) in 21st and 22nd September 2016. Luis Poch Rodrigo, CEO of the company took part as speaker in the event. If you want to see the presentation please click here:
Mar 16, 2016
UCO TRADING present as speaker in the Internacional World Bio Markets Conference that took place in Amsterdam in March 2016. Luis Poch Rodrigo, CEO from the company gave the following speaking: Exploring the changes in regulation of the Spanish sustainable biodiesel...
Oct 6, 2015